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Maverex poster at ISPOR Europe 2021

We’re delighted that our poster, ‘A review of NICE MedTech Innovation Briefings (MIBs) of Digital Health Technologies’, has been selected for ISPOR Europe 2021, following the conference theme of ‘Emerging Frontiers and Opportunities: Special Populations and Technologies’.

The research explores MIBs in DHTs and to assess trends over time and the types of evidence presented. By extracting and analysing data from on each MIB, we found that the quality of the evidence for DHTs assessed in MIBs is low. However, with the recent introduction of the evidence standards framework, the value of DHT MIBs to stakeholders is expected to improve over time, allowing for more accurate identification of DHTs that will add value to patients and the health and care system.

Look out for the full published results of the study at ISPOR Europe in November. In the meantime, if you’d like to talk about our other research or experience in market access strategy, drop us a line at